That Girl Mini Lower Body Routine

Be That Girl Method

Build a Better Body and Mind

New Exercise Release


That Girl Mini Lower Body Routine

As a new edition to our online plan, we will be sending all of our subscribers extra, mini workouts that, in true That Girl style, you don’t need a gym for.  Designed by one of the leading female trainers in the UK, Christina Howells, That Girl brings you the best of her methods as seen frequently in the press.

This mini lower body and core workout is a quick and effective fix to get you stronger and leaner whilst boosting your metabolism and increasing your overall fitness.

The best bit is you can do this workout anywhere, anytime, so there are no excuses as That Girl is designed to fit into your life.

This workout was shot in Marrakech as part of an online series for Get The Gloss. There, you can also find one of our quick and effective 20 minute HITT workouts:


How to do this routine

There are four moves in this workout, each 60 seconds long with 20 seconds rest between each exercise. Aim to repeat the circuit 3 times through with 1 minute – 2 minute rests between circuits.



Why she does it

This one may be low impact but it will still get your heart rate up, working your butt, legs, and abdominals.


Feet are flat on the floor and a little wider than hip width with toes slightly turned outwards. Your hands are clasped in front of your chest.

How she does it

With a straight spine, hinge at your hips to sit your butt back and downwards until your hips are just below your knees, your weight in your heels. Immediately return to standing kicking the right leg out to the side, a little above hip level if you can.  Repeat on the left side.

Top Tip

I like to keep my hands clasped so I really work on balance and focus on my legs.




Why she does it

This one not only challenges your core but also your arms and shoulders and will certainly get your pulse up too.


Come into full plank position, shoulders in line with wrists. Firm your thighs, squeeze your butt tight, and draw your abdominals to create a strong, solid body.

How she does it

Keeping your thighs, buttocks, and abdominals engaged, lower your right forearm to the ground followed by your left. Return to plank and draw your right knee as close to your right elbow as possible and return. Repeat on the left side. Be mindful to keep your hips as still as you can throughout.

Hot tip

If you find this one tricky, remain in the plank position and draw alternate knees to elbows whilst keeping your body strong throughout. Always remember to challenge yourself with the full move each time you workout.



Why she does it

This unilateral movement challenges the difference between both legs. You will work on balance, co-ordination, and strength.


You will need a sturdy chair or bench. Standing tall, right heel close to the prop whilst your left leg is held out low and straight in front of you with the toes gently pointed. Both arms are stretched out at shoulder level.

How she does it

Hinge your hips backwards to lower your sit bones to touch the prop without actually sitting down. To return really focus on rooting down through the right heel as you come back to standing.  Split your 60 secs into 30 secs each leg



Why she does it

This one really works your waist and core as well as shoulder stability.


Lie on your right side with your right forearm on the floor, shoulder in line with your elbow, and your left hand by the side of your head. Your hips are stacked and your left foot is placed slightly on front of the right. Lift your hips to form one straight line from head to toe.

How she does it

Focus on engaging your abdominals and keeping the hips lifted as you draw your right knee towards your chest, allowing your upper body to rotate so that your left elbow kisses your right knee. Return and repeat 30 secs one side and then switch to the other.

Top Tip

This one is tricky. You can always start out by rotating the left elbow to right hand keeping the hips lifted.




Model: Sophie Grace Holmes

Videographer: Nina Shaw


We flew to Marrakesh via and stayed at the most wonderful hotel in the Atlas Mountains Not only does the hotel provide the best views in Marrakesh but also the healthiest menus.  Designed by Michael Arthur whom specialises in healthy and nutritious cooking. Michael and I also work together with private clients in the UK and Ibiza