On Love and Connecting by Elisabeth Goodchild

None of us live on this planet on our own. And yet more often than not we spend large chunks of our time in our own little worlds.  If humans are naturally sociable, if we have depended on our fellow human beings through time for survival, if we form life-long friendships, if we desire to be in loving relationships, if our families and friends are so important to us, then it is surely strange that we can be so wrapped up in our own pre-occupations and problems, which are microscopic and fleeting, that we don’t make the effort to connect fully and deeply with others and to allow others to connect fully and deeply with us.  We project ourselves into and onto the lives of others – whether we choose to project our true selves or a version of ourselves.  Those we choose to care for and about are often subject to our judgements about who and why we want to spend time with and who we want to be part of our lives.  And those we choose to permit to care for us are usually subject to our self-judgements about how loving and loveable we are.

And yet we find ourselves randomly thrown together with people who over time become important to us and become an intrinsic part of our past or present lives and stories. If we accept that randomness of connection and how often we form relationships with people we were essentially just passing, and extrapolate it one hundred-fold how much more of a connected world would we live in?  How many more resources might we have to support us and to validate us and our lives?  And if we feel we haven’t yet found those that do provide that support and validation then how high are the odds that those people are out there, we just haven’t chanced upon them yet? And if we haven’t yet found the strength within ourselves to ask for that support and validation maybe now is the time to let someone in and make that connection? 

Whether we are walking away or towards something, however slowly, how many beautiful and loving people might we meet on that path, just so long as we are walking … putting one foot in front of the other.  Just so long as we keep our hearts open, even just a fraction.  Just so long as we believe, even just the tiniest bit, in love.  

At any moment in time it’s important to remember we can be the presence of love – whether for ourselves or others – but at this time of year particularly please let us all remember the importance and power of love and connection.”


Elizabeths book Finding My Peace is yet to be published, but in the mean-time you can find out more about thinking, living, loving and story-writing by following Elisabeth @lizziegoodchild (Instagram) @goodchildem (twitter) and @LizMGoodchild (facebook).

She would be delighted if you’d stay in touch