Learn to say no with That Girls resident Lifecoach Jacquline Hurst

People pleasers get tired. Like, really, really tired. People pleasers want…

Active Wardrobe Refresh

Does your wardrobe need refreshing? Yes? We’ve done all the hard work for you…

That Girl’s top 5 products to make you feel amazing.

1. Bare Biology's Omega 3 That Girl chooses Bare Biology's pure Omega 3 for…

Comfort Zone by Jacqueline Hurst

Many of us get stuck in a zone. We call it a comfort zone but it isn’t…

The health benefits of Omega 3 and why you need it in your diet.

  First, what is Omega 3? It’s something most people have heard of, but…

How Omega 3 can help with fat burning

As it stands, Omega 3 is pretty difficult to get into the diet (much less if…

That Girl’s perfect butt workout for the Telegraph

Originally formed for the Telegraph's Motivation Monday, we decided to repeat…

That Girl Sunday morning workout

That Girl's Sunday morning workout is here to wake you up & get you feeling…

That Girl targets your legs in the new workout for the Telegraph

Perfect legs with That Girl This series was originally formed for the…

ThatGirl X Bridebook shoot at Hedsor House

This Monday we spent our day shooting some exciting new footage for our…