Created for InStyle magazine this workout encompasses some of the moves Christina incorporates when training Beauty Director, Malena Harbers.

Taking high intensity interval training to the next level, for this workout the moves have been “stacked” With each round you increase the amount of effort but not the rest time.

The results are a boost in metabolism helping you to burn more calories even when you have finished, and an increase in lean body mass which is 3 times more metabolically active than fat – so over time you will become a fat burning machine.

How She Does It

1. Perform Exercise 1 for 30 seconds; rest for 30 seconds.
2. Perform Exercise 1 and 2 for 30 seconds each; rest for 30 seconds.
3. Perform Exercises 1, 2 and 3 for 30 seconds each; rest for 30 seconds.
4. Perform Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4 for 30 seconds each; rest for 30 seconds.
5. Perform Exercises 1, 2 3, 4 and 5 for 30 seconds each; rest for 30 seconds.

For a real intense boost to your day you rest for 1-2 minutes and repeat the sequence again – you know you want to!

Note: If you are newer to exercise then increase your rest period to 45 or 60 seconds, but remember to decrease this as your fitness increases.


1. The Butt Lift

Why She Does It

Works the bum and elongates the spine.


Place your head, shoulder and upper back on a chair/sofa seat and allow your hips to drop towards the floor. Your feet are hip width apart with the feet flat on the floor.


From your lowest point push down through your heels to dynamically lift your hips upwards so your hips; torso & shoulders are in one straight line. Hold momentarily before returning to the start position.

Hot Tip

You want to really focus on using your butt muscles to lift up.


2. Travelling Pigeon-Toe Plié

Why She Does It

Works the bum and entire muscular structure of the legs whilst challenging co-ordination, balance and flexibility. You can do this exercise with or without a weight. In the picture we have used a 10kilo kettle bell.


Stand in a slight pigeon toed position. Your right foot is tuned out and your left foot is turned inwards towards the right toes. Your knees will come together as you send the hips back and down to sit deep into the left glute. Hands are clasped together in front of your chest.


From the deep squat position place your weight down into the right heel and dynamical propel your bodyweight upwards as you step the left leg open into a deep plié squat. The toes are turned out and your stance is wide. Allow the hips to drop in line with the knees.

Now transfer your weight onto the left foot and dynamically travel the right leg to return to the pigeon plié on the other side.

Hot Tip

You want to really sit back in the pigeon toes position and deep into the plié squat – make it count!


3. Deadlifts

Why She Does It

Deadlifts are a full body movement that primarily strengthens the glutes, lower back and hamstrings. We have used a kettle bell, but you can use a medicine ball with handles, dumbbell or of course a barbell. If you’re new start light and work up. You will be surprised how much you can lift!


Begin with feet a little wider than shoulder width apart with a Kettle bell placed between your feet. Bend at the knees, keeping the back flat to pick the kettle bell up to a standing start position.

Your shoulders are rolled back and relaxed
Spine maintains normal curvature and the chest is lifted
Abdominals are engaged
Knees are soft but don’t over bend as this is not a squat
Gaze to the horizon


Softening the knees, hinge at the hips so your bottom moves backwards to lower the kettle bell under control towards the floor but without touching the floor.

From your lowest point, with a small burst of energy, drive your hips forwards as you lift the kettle bell up to return to standing. You want to really focus on using your butt and abs as you do this so your hips make a thrusting action.

Hot Tip

On your return ground your weight through your heels so you push down through the floor to come to standing, thrusting the hips forwards.


4. Strong Girl

Why She Does It

We love this one for upper body strength and definition and all you need is two chairs the same seat height. Your chairs need to be arranged so you can jump your body through the gap.


Come into a plank position with your hands placed on either chair. Your spine is long and gaze is down. Draw your shoulders back and down your spine.


Lower yourself into a press-up keeping your body in one straight line and return. From here focus into to your abdomen as you jump your legs through (or step) and lower your self into a dip. Once again from the abdomen jump your feet back. Think of rooting into your hands as you scoop the belly in to propel forwards.

Hot Tip

Modification – If you are new to press ups and dips then this I appreciate is a challenge. Instead I want you to work on half press-ups where your knees and hands are on the floor. You want to be sure to keep your knees, hips and shoulders in one straight line.


5. Stepping Leg Sculptor

Why She Does It

A dynamic combination to sculpt the entire leg muscular structure. You can do this with or without a weight. We use an 8-kilo kettle bell.


Stand with feet together, weight in left hand.


Step the left leg diagonally behind you into a curtsey position with the weight in the left hand.. The left knee bends to 90 degrees as you reach the left arms towards the floor keeping the chest proud. The right arm reaches up and back.

From here dynamically step your left leg into a lateral lunge so the left knee bends at 45 degrees and the right leg straightens. As you do this exchange the weight to the right hand reaching it to the floor as the left arm reaches up and back.

Hot Tip

If your struggling with this one then come back to standing in-between the curtsey and lateral lunge giving you time to rebalance and keep your form.